Sunday, February 5, 2012

V day

What am I gonna do on Valentine's Day? Well, working full shift on that day! I really need a date :( Just alone...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Life has to go on.

Granny passed away...just last Monday. I can't express how sad I felt, because seriously, words just can't express that feeling. No matter what, I will always remember you Granny. Hope you have reunited with Grandpa in another happy world. You are never dead, because you are always living in my heart. You're etched in my mind, never erased.
Anyway, I have start work since like.. 2 weeks ago? I shall say work is going great. I may have met some guests which are rather nasty, but I overcomed it all :) I miss my corporate induction and training buds! You know who you are ;)  I need to head to town soon!! I need shopping once I get my pay. But, in consideration of preserving the environment, CUT DOWN ON COTTON.
Life is unpredictable, just like humans who are ever changing.